My Diary
Everything Old


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Things I Can't Live Without

All Things Barenaked


2004-04-15 - 2:42 p.m.

These are a few of my favorite things....

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. . . JUST KIDDING!

Here's the real list:

Barenaked Ladies, of course

my scrapbooking room

office supplies



getting pictures back from being printed

English cottages

cobblestone paths


making love during a storm (need I say more?)

comfort food

candles (unless they smell like flowers)

John Cusack movies

smilies, sigs and fun graphics

Conan O'Brien

Brat Pack movies (I wanted to be Molly Ringwald)

The idea of being out of debt (We're getting there)

handwritten letters and notes (E-mail has killed the art of letter writing in my opinion)


First days of school


hot chocolate

down comforters

clean crisp sheets that have been hanging out on the line

bees and rhinocerous things (I collect both)

Williams-Sonoma anything

Starbucks Carmel Macchiato or Vanilla Creme

Calla Lilies

hardwood flooring

fires in a fireplace

hayrides (if I've taken my allergy pills first)

Harley-Davidson motorcycles

Italian food

FlyLady (see if you don't know who she is!)

a full calendar

card shopping

buying presents

going for walks

walking arm in arm with my sweetie downtown

antique shopping

browsing eBay


playing SIMS and being anyone you want to be

Rosemary Wells' childrens books

bubble baths

vacationing at our timeshare

summers at the lake

a cold beer on a hot day

Irelands green hills and friendly natives

my church and church family

little girls in frilly dresses

my husband's sweet ass LOL

hitting random on the cd player and waiting to see what it's going to play next

birthdays (any, not just mine!)

peanut butter cups


going for a ride on a boat


the internet and all the temptation it has to offer

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In Honor of Kevin Hearn and his courageous battle with Leukemia